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Linking Systems of Care Coordinator Toolkit: Mission Statement

There are many examples of Mission Statement definitions and Mission Statement generators online. For some people a Mission Statement can seem old-fashioned and unnecessary, but creating a Mission Statement is an efficient and effective way to ensure that a coalition of stakeholders is aligned in its purpose and focus. When linking different systems of care, this is particularly important.

Every stakeholder within a coalition may have its own goal(s). And while there is a significant amount of overlap between and among stakeholders, there are often critical distinctions that must be clarified, and wide ranging ideas on strategies for reaching these goals. When a group of stakeholders come together to form a new coalition with a distinct and specific purpose, like Linking Systems of Care, a shared Mission Statement and project-specific goals can be the first link that connects the systems. A Mission Statement asks all of the collected stakeholders to create a shared vision for moving forward together.

Generally, Missions Statements are brief and describe four basic elements of a project:

  • the purpose
  • the intended population to be served
  • the method to be used; and
  • why the project is necessary

The Linking Systems of Care Guiding Principles can serve as the foundation for teams in the development of these basic elements. See example below:


“Linked Systems of Care provide as much information as possible to families and practitioners so that the most targeted, holistic, safe, and effective interventions are available.” (Guiding Principle III)

Intended population to be served

“Linked Systems of Care communities are concerned with the healing of individuals, families, and communities who have experienced or have been exposed to violence.” (Guiding Principle I)

Method to be used

“All systems of care are connected and aspire to maximize collective impact through communication, collaboration, and coordination.” (Guiding Principle II)

Why the project is necessary

“Decisions are best when informed by circumstances, research, and the needs of children, families, and communities as identified during meaningful engagement processes. Decision makers are best poised when they receive regular ongoing and meaningful training, technical assistance, and resources on the effects of trauma.” (Guiding Principle III)

Any community endeavoring to link care systems can use these Guiding Principles in the development of their own Mission Statement which reflects the values of the community. {Link to Mission Statement Handout} {Link to sample Mission Statements}

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